IPD-HPA - Human Platelet Antigens

The Immuno Polymorphism Database (IPD) is a set of specialist databases related to the study of polymorphic genes in the immune system. IPD currently consists of four databases: IPD-KIR, contains the allelic sequences of Killer-cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptors, IPD-MHC, is a database of sequences of the major histocompatibility complex of different species; IPD-HPA, alloantigens expressed only on platelets; and IPD-ESTAB, which provides access to the European Searchable Tumour Cell-Line Database, a cell bank of immunologically characterised melanoma cell lines. Human platelet antigens are alloantigens expressed only on platelets, specifically on platelet membrane glycoproteins. These platelet-specific antigens are immunogenic and can result in pathological reactions to transfusion therapy. The Human Platelet Antigen (HPA) nomenclature system was adopted in 1990 to overcome problems with the previous nomenclature. Since then more antigens have been described and the molecular basis of many has been resolved. As a result the nomenclature was revised in 2003 and included in the IPD project. The IPD-HPA section contains nomenclature information and additional background material. The different genes in the HPA system have not been sequenced to the same level as some of the other projects and so currently only single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) are used to determine alleles. This information is presented in a grid of SNP for each gene The IPD and HPA nomenclature committee hope to expand this to provide full sequence alignments when possible.




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