Tag: resource metadata

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Biological Pathway eXchange

BioPAX is a standard language that aims to enable integration, exchange, visualization and analysis of biological pathway data. Specifically, BioPAX supports data exchange between pathway data groups and thus reduces the complexity of interchange bet ...

Identifiers.org Central Registry

The Identifiers.org Central Registry provides the necessary information for the generation and resolution of unique and perennial identifiers for life science data. Those identifiers are both in URI and compact form, and make use of Identifiers.org t ...

Minimum Information about a MARKer gene Sequence

MIMARKS is the metadata reporting standard of the Genomic Standards Consortium that covers marker gene sequences from environmental surveys or individual organisms

Open Microscopy Environment - Tagged Image File Format

OME-TIFF is a standardized file format for multidimensional image data. OME-TIFF was created to maximize the respective strengths of OME-XML and TIFF. It takes advantage of the metadata defined in OME-XML while retaining the pixels in multi-page TIFF ...

Evidence and Conclusion Ontology

The Evidence and Conclusion Ontology (ECO) contains terms that describe types of evidence and assertion methods. ECO terms are used in the process of biocuration to capture the evidence that supports biological assertions (e.g. gene product X has fun ...

Open Provenance Model

The Open Provenance Model (OPM) is a model of provenance that is designed to meet the following requirements: (1) To allow provenance information to be exchanged between systems, by means of a compatibility layer based on a shared provenance model. ( ...

BIG Data Center

The BIG Data Center at Beijing Institute of Genomics (BIG) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences provides a suite of database resources in support of worldwide research activities in both academia and industry. With the vast amounts of multi-omics data ...

Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase

BacDive—the Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase merges detailed strain-linked information on the different aspects of bacterial and archaeal biodiversity. BacDive contains entries for over 63,000 strains and provides information on their taxonomy, morph ...


ISA-TAB-Nano specifies the format for representing and sharing information about nanomaterials, small molecules and biological specimens along with their assay characterization data (including metadata, and summary data) using spreadsheet or TAB-deli ...

Biomedical Resource Ontology

Biomedical Resource Ontology (BRO) enables semantic annotation and discovery of biomedical resources. The biomedical research community relies on a diverse set of resources, both within their own institutions and at other research centers. Without ef ...

Wf4Ever Research Object Model 1.0

The Wf4Ever Research Object Model provides a vocabulary for the description of workflow-centric Research Objects: aggregations of resources relating to scientific workflows.

Data Catalog Vocabulary

An RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between data catalogs published on the Web. By using DCAT to describe datasets in data catalogs, publishers increase discoverability and enable applications easily to consume metadata from mul ...

Provenance, Authoring and Versioning Ontology

PAV is a lightweight ontology for tracking Provenance, Authoring and Versioning. PAV specializes the W3C provenance ontology PROV-O in order to describe authorship, curation and digital creation of online resources. This ontology describes the define ...

Center for Expanded Data Annotation and Retrieval Workbench

The Center for Expanded Data Annotation and Retrieval (CEDAR) Workbench is a database of metadata templates that define the data elements needed to describe particular types of biomedical experiments. The templates include controlled terms and synony ...

Meta-omics Data and Collection Objects

The MOD-CO schema is a conceptual and procedural meta-omics schema developed as part of the MOD-CO project. The schema is represented in a number of different formats. MOD-CO is a generic and comprehensive schema providing specifications useful for l ...

DataCite Metadata Schema

The DataCite Metadata Schema is a list of core metadata properties chosen for the accurate and consistent identification of a resource for citation and retrieval purposes, along with recommended use instructions. The resource that is being identified ...

W3C Provenance Ontology

The PROV Ontology (PROV-O) expresses the PROV Data Model using the OWL2 Web Ontology Language (OWL2). It is intended for the Linked Data and Semantic Web community. It provides a set of classes, properties, and restrictions that can be used to repres ...

MetaBase - The wiki-database of biological databases

MetaBase is the community-curated collection of all biological databases for use by the research community as a source of reliable information.

Ontology of Experimental Variables and Values

The Ontology of Experimental Variables and Values (OoEVV) provides a lightweight representation of (a) the variables used to measure experimental properties and (b) the measurement scales that form the complex data types supporting that data. Many di ...

Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) Metadata Terms

This document is an up-to-date, authoritative specification of all metadata terms maintained by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, including properties, vocabulary encoding schemes, syntax encoding schemes, and classes. Included are the fifteen ter ...

Dublin Core Metadata Element Set

The Dublin Metadata Element Set, which is often called Dublin Core (DC), is a standardized metadata scheme for description of any kind of resource such as documents in electronic and non-electronic form, digital materials (such as video, sound, image ...

Ag Data Commons

The Ag Data Commons is a public, government, scientific research data catalog and repository available to help the agricultural research community share and discover research data funded by the United States Department of Agriculture and meet Federal ...

Crossref Metadata Deposit Schema

The Crossref Metadata Deposit Schema is a schema designed to enforce a standardized metadata format on research content stored within Crossref. This schema supports a range of different content types and categories, including descriptive (bibliograph ...

OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers based on CERIF-XML

The Guidelines provide orientation for CRIS managers to expose their metadata in a way that is compatible with the OpenAIRE infrastructure. By implementing the Guidelines, CRIS managers support the inclusion and therefore the reuse of metadata in the ...

OpenAIRE Guidelines for Literature Repositories

OpenAIRE Guidelines for Literature Repository Managers provides orientation for repository managers to define and implement their local data management policies according to the requirements of the OpenAIRE - Open Access Infrastructure for Research i ...

Registry Interchange Format - Collections and Services

The Registry Interchange Format - Collections and Services (RIF-CS) Schema was developed as a data interchange format for supporting the electronic exchange of collection and service descriptions. It organises information about collections and servic ...

W3C Provenance Data Model

PROV-DM defines a conceptual data model for provenance including UML diagrams. PROV-O, PROV-XML and PROV-N are serializations of this conceptual model. A companion document, PROV-CONSTRAINTS, is linked within this record and specifies the set of cons ...


OWL-Time is an OWL-2 DL ontology of temporal concepts, for describing the temporal properties of resources in the world or described in Web pages. The ontology provides a vocabulary for expressing facts about topological (ordering) relations among in ...

Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Abstract Model

DCAM describes the abstract model for the Dublin Core metadata. The primary purpose of this document is to specify the components and constructs used in Dublin Core metadata. It defines the nature of the components used and describes how those compon ...

Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange

Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) is an initiative to foster standards for the exchange of statistical information. The SDMX initiative sets standards to facilitate the exchange of statistical data and metadata using modern information te ...

FFIS Funder Draft Metadata Specification

This is the second draft of Funder Metadata specification for the GO FAIR project. It is being used as the basis of a more complete specification for the FAIR Funder Implementation Study.

Scholarly Link Exchange Metadata Schema

The Scholix metadata schema was created by journal publishers, data centres, and global service providers to collect and exchange links between research data and literature. The core of Scholix data is the Link Information Package, which contains inf ...

Qualitative Data Exchange Schema

The Qualitative Data Exchange Schema (QuDEx) enables discovery, locating, retrieving and citing complex qualitative data collections in context. QuDEx provides a highly structured and consistently marked-up data and enables rich descriptive metadata ...

Research Object Crate

RO-Crate is a community effort to establish a lightweight approach to packaging research data with their metadata. It is based on schema.org annotations in JSON-LD, and aims to make best-practice in formal metadata description accessible and practica ...


ScholeXplorer stores a graph of links among datasets and literature objects. These objects, and the links between them, are provided by data sources managed by publishers, data centers, or other organizations providing data set / publication linking ...

Darwin Core Germplasm

The Darwin Core germplasm extension (DwC-germplasm) was developed to provide a bridge between the established standards in use by the genebank community for plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA) and the standards maintained by the ...

Ontology for Provenance and Plans

The Ontology for Provenance and Plans (P-Plan) is an extension of the PROV-O ontology [PROV-O] created to represent the plans that guided the execution of scientific processes. P-Plan describes how the plans are composed and their correspondence to p ...

Open Provenance Model Vocabulary

OPMV, the Open Provenance Model Vocabulary, is a lightweight provenance vocabulary created to aid responsible data publishing and interoperability between provenance information on the Semantic Web. The Open Provenance Model Vocabulary is closely bas ...

Provenance Vocabulary

The Provenance Vocabulary provides classes and properties for describing provenance of Web data. The vocabulary focuses on two main use cases: 1.) It enables consumers of Web data to describe provenance of data retrieved from the Web and of data deri ...

Open Provenance Model for Workflows Ontology

OPMW is an ontology for describing workflows based on the Open Provenance Model. It has been designed as a profile for OPM, extending and reusing OPM's core ontologies OPMV (OPM-Vocabulary) and OPMO (OPM-Ontology). Since the publication of the PROV-O ...

W3C Provenance XML Schema

PROV-XML defines an XML schema for the provenance data model (PROV-DM). This is intended for developers who need a native XML serialization of the PROV data model. For the purpose of this specification, provenance is defined as a record that describe ...

W3C Provenance Notation

PROV-N is aimed at human consumption and allows serializations of PROV instances to be created in a compact manner. PROV-N facilitates the mapping of the PROV data model to concrete syntax, and is used as the basis for a formal semantics of PROV (PRO ...

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