Small molecule inhibitors of RNA
structure nucleic acid structure
Base interactions in RNA structures
RNA structural modules and their interactions
Packing of RNA molecules and complexes
A database of 3D RNA fragments within known RNA structures
The Nucleic Acids Database contains information about experimentally-determined nucleic acids and complex assemblies. NDB can be used to perform searches based on annotations relating to sequence, str ...
Prediction of viral microRNA candidate hairpins
G-quadruplex motifs and potentially G-quadruplex regulated genes
Nearest Neighbor parameters for predicting RNA folding
RNA Characterization of Secondary Structure Motifs (RNA CoSSMos) database allows the systematic searching of all catalogued three-dimensional nucleic acid PDB structures that contain secondary structu ...
RNA SSTRAND contains known secondary structures of any type and organism. The ultimate goal of this database is to incorporate a comprehensive collection of known secondary structures, and to provide ...
Within this database you will to able to find more than 12,000 extracted three-dimensional junction and kissing loop structures as well as detailed annotations for each.
Predicted structures of internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2)
Ligand Expo is a data resource for finding information about small molecules bound to proteins and nucleic acids. Tools are provided to search the PDB dictionary for chemical components, to identify s ...
Molecular Modeling of RNA Structure-From Base Pair Analysis in Crystals to Structure Prediction.
Database for binding affinities of protein-nucleic acid complexes and their mutants.
MINAS contains the exact geometric information on the first and second-shell coordinating ligands of every metal ion present in nucleic acid structures that are deposited in the PDB and NDB. Containin ...
NAPP (Nucleic Acids Phylogenetic Profile) enables users to retrieve RNA-rich clusters from any genome in a list of 1000+ sequenced bacterial genomes. RNA-rich clusters can be viewed separately or, alt ...
Conformational features of DNA
Database designed to provide a comprehensive perspective and understanding of RNA motif structure, function, tertiary interactions and their relationships.
A database of RNA multiloops.