EVEREST is an automatic computational process identifying protein domainsand classifying them into families. The EVEREST database contains 20,029families, each defined by one or more HMMER HMMs. EVEREST has beenthoroughly tested and evaluated, and has been shown to reconstruct 56% ofPfam A families and 63% of SCOP families with high accuracy, and tosuggest many new domain families.The current release of the EVEREST database was constructed by scanningUniProt release 8.1 and the sequences of all PDB structures with each ofthe EVEREST families.The EVEREST database of protein domain families can be accessed throughthe EVEREST website. The web-site allows browsing through EVEREST domainfamilies as well as domain families defined by SCOP, CATH and Pfam A. Afamily page in the website provides a graphical representation of allproteins containing a domain of the family, and of all domains, as definedby the above four domain definition systems, on these proteins. Thewebsite also features analysis of relationship between families andsearches for proteins and families on the basis of keywords, familystatistics, family phylogenetic profile and more. Finally, the user mayupload a sequence to be scanned for EVEREST families and stored for futurebrowsing by that user.The EVEREST database is also available for download in flat file format.
protein sequence protein domains and classification