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Minimum Information about a Biosynthetic Gene cluster
A wide variety of enzymatic pathways that produce specialized metabolites in bacteria, fungi and plants are known to be encoded in biosynthetic gene clusters. Information about these clusters, pathways and metabolites is currently dispersed throughou
PIR SuperFamily
The PIR SuperFamily concept is being used as a guiding principle to provide comprehensive and non-overlapping clustering of UniProtKB sequences into a hierarchical order to reflect their evolutionary relationships.
Prokaryotic Operon DataBase
The Prokaryotic Operon DataBase (ProOpDB) constitutes one of the most precise and complete repository of operon predictions in our days. Using our novel and highly accurate operon algorithm, we have predicted the operon structures of more than 1,200
ProPortal is a database containing genomic, metagenomic, transcriptomic and field data for the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus. They provide a source of cross-referenced data across multiple scales of biological organization—from the genome to
GreenPhylDB: A phylogenomic database for plant comparative genomics
GreenPhylDB comprises 37 full genomes from the major phylum of plant evolution. Clustering of these genomes was performed to define a consistent and extensive set of homeomorphic plant families.
*ReputationScore indicates how established a given datasource is. Find out more.