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Genome-Wide Association Studies Catalog
The Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) Catalog provides a consistent, searchable, visualisable and freely available database of published SNP-trait associations, which can be easily integrated with other resources, and is accessed by scientists,
Using the MR-Base platform to investigate risk factors and drug targets for thousands of phenotypes | This repository contains the case studies associated with the manuscript "Using the MR-Base platform to investigate risk factors and drug targets fo
GWASdb comprises of collections of traits/diseases associated SNP (TASs) from current GWAS and their comprehensive functional annotations, as well as disease classifications.
GWAS Central
GWAS Central stores genome-wide association study data. The database content comprises direct submissions received from GWAS authors and consortia in addition to actively gathered data sets from various public sources. GWAS data are discoverable from
DISEASES is a weekly updated web resource that integrates evidence on disease-gene associations from automatic text mining, manually curated literature, cancer mutation data, and genome-wide association studies. We further unify the evidence by assig
Type 1 Diabetes Database
T1DBase focuses on two research areas in type 1 diabetes (T1D): the genetics of T1D susceptibility and beta cell biology.
GrainGenes, a Database for Triticeae and Avena
The GrainGenes website hosts a wealth of information for researchers working on Triticeae species, oat and their wild relatives. The website hosts a database encompassing information such as genetic maps, genes, alleles, genetic markers, phenotypic d
DistiLD Database: Diseases and Traits in Linkage Disequilibrium Blocks
The DistiLD database aims to increase the usage of existing genome-wide association studies (GWAS) results by making it easy to query and visualize disease-associated SNPs and genes in their chromosomal context.
Satellog is a database that catalogs all pure 1-16 repeat unit satellite repeats in the human genome along with supplementary data. Satellog analyzes each pure repeat in UniGene clusters for evidence of repeat polymorphism.
Phenotypic data for Arabidopsis thaliana
A database for disease/trait causal variants identified using summary statistics of genome-wide association studies.
A GWAS fine-mapping pipeline used in CAUSALdb.
CAUSALdb integrates large numbers of GWAS summary statistics and identifies credible
The Han Chinese Genomes Database (PGG.Han) serves as the central repository of the genomic data of the Han Chinese Genomes Project (Phase I).
As is its current version, PGG.Han archives genomic data of 114,783 Han Chinese individuals (a.k.a. Han100
Cell type specificity of genetic traits
The large-scale variant database of 1722 Koreans based on whole genome sequencing.
a comprehensive database platform for identification and validation of disease related noncoding RNAs.
Mar 26, 2020: ncRPheno was published on the journal of RNA Biology...
ncRPheno is a comprehensive database that provides experimentally supported
eQTL Catalogue
The eQTL Catalogue aims to provide uniformly processed gene expression and splicing QTLs from all available public studies on human. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) are genomic variants that are significantly associated to a measurable phenotype. This
Arabidopsis thaliana Multi-omics Association Database
Muscle Gene Sets
Versatile methodological aid to functional genomics in the neuromuscular field.
WheatQTLdb is a manually curated QTL database for wheat that includes information about QTL identified through interval mapping and MTA identified using GWAS.
circVAR database
circVAR database is genome-wide archive of genetic variants for human circular RNAs
Circular RNAs (circRNAs), the 3' and 5' ends of which are covalently linked, are a kind of widely distributed and abundant RNAs found in eukaryotic organisms in recen
The webTWAS integrates large number of GWAS summary level data for disease, and this number will be constantly increasing according to our timely curation. The webTWAS calculates the causal genes using single tissue expression imputation (MetaXcan an
A database of enhancer-associated insertion and deletion variants by analysis of H3K27ac ChIP-Seq.
Cancer hallmarks rely on its specific transcriptional programs, which are dysregulated by multiple mechanisms, including genomic aberrations in the DN
The MRC IEU OpenGWAS data infrastructure.
The OpenGWAS database is constantly growing, but there may be studies that users have generated or need to include in their analyses that have not yet been incorporated.
A comprehensive bipolar disorder database for genetic research.
An improved database of human gene networks for disease research.
Multi-omics molecular biomarkers and database of osteoarthritis.
An integrated resource for dedicating to genetic variants, gene expression and epigenetic factors of human eye diseases.
ADVP is a platform for the public community to browse, search and understand Alzheimer's Disease genetics findings easily.
3 aQTL-atlas
An atlas of 3'UTR alternative polyadenylation quantitative trait loci across human normal tissues.
a comprehensive genetic database of Parkinson's disease.
Gene4PD: an integrative genomic database and analytic platform for Parkinson's disease.
Rare variants identified from PD patients.
An atlas of intronic polyadenylation quantitative trait loci across human tissues.
A database storing SNPs and their predicted impact on transcription factor (TF) binding in promoter regions for different crops.
New developments and updates for genetic ancestry and cardiometabolic quantitative traits in diverse human populations.
Internet-of-omics for human cardiovascular disease data.
HeartBioPortal is now the largest human cardiovascular disease genetics
*ReputationScore indicates how established a given datasource is. Find out more.