Tag: gene feature

Found 8 sources
Source Match ReputationScore*

Gramene: A curated, open-source, integrated data resource for comparative functional genomics in plants

Gramene's purpose is to provide added value to plant genomics data sets available within the public sector, which will facilitate researchers' ability to understand the plant genomes and take advantage of genomic sequence known in one species for ide ...

Gene Ontology (GO) Gene Association File Format 2.1

Ontology-based annotation data can be submitted to the Gene Ontology Consortium and other projects (e.g. the Planteome project) in the Gene Association Format 2.1 (GAF 2.1). The annotation flat file format is comprised of 17 tab-delimited fields. Thi ...

Animal Transcription Factor Database

AnimalTFDB is a comprehensive animal transcription factor database. The resource is classification of transcription factors from 50 genomes from species including Homo sapiens and Caenorhabditis elegans. The database also has information on co-transc ...

Major Intrinsic Proteins Modification Database

This is a database of comparative protein structure models of the MIP (Major Intrinsic Protein) family of proteins. The MIPs have been identified from the completed genome sequence of organisms available at NCBI.

Generic Feature Format Version 3

The Generic Feature Format Version 3 (GFF3) format was developed after earlier formats, although widely used, became fragmented into multiple incompatible dialects. The GFF3 format addresses the most common extensions to GFF, while preserving backwar ...

Erythropoiesis Database

EpoDB (Erythropoiesis database) is a database of genes that relate to vertebrate red blood cells. It includes DNA sequence, structural features, protein information, gene expression information and transcription factor binding sites.

Feature Annotation Location Description Ontology

The Feature Annotation Location Description Ontology (FALDO), to describe the positions of annotated features on linear and circular sequences for data resources represented in RDF and/or OWL. FALDO can be used to describe nucleotide features in sequ ...


The LEAFDATA resource collects information from primary research articles focusing on Arabidopsis leaf growth and development. The result section of selected papers is manually annotated and organized into distinct categories. Text fragments of the m ...

*ReputationScore indicates how established a given datasource is. Find out more.

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