Source | Match | ReputationScore* |
PubChem is organized as three linked databases within the NCBI's Entrez information retrieval system. These are PubChem Substance, PubChem Compound, and PubChem BioAssay. PubChem also provides a fast chemical structure similarity search tool. More in
Conserved Domain Database
The Conserved Domain Database (CDD) brings together several collections of multiple sequence alignments representing conserved domains, including NCBI-curated domains, which use 3D-structure information to explicitly to define domain boundaries and p
The FAIRDOMHub is a publicly available resource build using the SEEK software, which enables collaborations within the scientific community. FAIRDOM will establish a support and service network for European Systems Biology. It will serve projects in
The MEROPS database is an information resource for peptidases (also termed proteases, proteinases and proteolytic enzymes) and the proteins that inhibit them.
BRENDA is the main collection of enzyme functional data available to the scientific community.
The PeptideAtlas Project provides a publicly-accessible database of peptides identified in tandem mass spectrometry proteomics studies and software tools. Mass spectrometer output files are collected for human, mouse, yeast, and several other organis
ExPASy Bioinformatics Resource Portal
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) coordinates research and education in bioinformatics throughout Switzerland and provides bioinformatics services to the national and international research community. ExPASy gives access to numerous repositorie
Drug-related information: medical indications, adverse drug effects, drug metabolism and Gene Ontology terms of the target proteins.
HomoloGene is an automated system for the detection of homologs among the annotated genes of several completely sequenced eukaryotic genomes. HomoloGene takes protein sequences from differing species and compares them to one another (using blastp) an
HumanCyc is a bioinformatics database that describes human metabolic pathways and the human genome. By presenting metabolic pathways as an organizing framework for the human genome, HumanCyc provides the user with an extended dimension for functional
Database of Genomic Variants archive (DGVa)
The DGVa team accepts direct submissions from researchers and also curates data from the published literature. As part of a regular exchange, DGVa data is sent to its partner archive, dbVar (hosted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals is a a database of inherited disorders, other (single-locus) traits, and genes in animal species (other than human and mouse).
Experimental data repository for KInetic MOdels of biological SYStems
KiMoSys is a user-friendly platform that includes a public data repository of relevant published measurements, including metabolite concentrations (time-series and steady-state), flux data, and enzyme measurements in order to build ODE-based kinetic
University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database
This database contains information on microbial biocatalytic reactions and biodegradation pathways for primarily xenobiotic, chemical compounds. The goal of the EAWAG-BBD is to provide information on microbial enzyme-catalyzed reactions that are impo
Natural Products Atlas
An Open Access Knowledge Base for Microbial Natural Products Discovery.
The Natural Products Atlas Network views of chemical space.
The Natural Products Atlas provides a unique tools for exploring natural products chemical space, offering perspecti
BCCM/MUCL Agro-food & Environmental Fungal Collection
BCCM/MUCL is a generalist fungal culture collection of over 30 000 filamentous fungi, yeasts and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi including type, reference and test strains. The collections activities include the distribution of its holdings, the accessi
Resource of Asian Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases
The Resource of Asian Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases (RAPID) is a repository of molecular alterations in primary immunodeficiency diseases (PID). It hosts information on sequence variations and expression at the mRNA and protein levels of all gene
Metagenomic BioMining Engine: homologs of commercially useful enzymes in metagenomic datasets
BCCM/ULC Cyanobacteria Collection
BCCM/ULC is a small and dedicated public collection, currently containing one of the largest collections of documented (sub)polar cyanobacteria worldwide. The BCCM/ULC collection is hosted by the Centre for Protein Engineering (the Unit) of the Unive
EBI patent sequences
Non-redundant databases of patent DNA and protein sequences
NCBI Bookshelf
Searchable collection of biomedical books linked to terms in PubMed abstracts; when viewing an abstract, click on Books link to see phrases in abstract hyperlinked to book sections.
YEASTRACT+ combines the existing database information of all yeast species, providing bioinformatics tools for the prediction and visualization of gene and genomic regulation based on orthologous regulatory associations described for other yeast spec
Atacama Database
a platform of the microbiome of the Atacama Desert | The Atacama Desert is one of the oldest and driest places on Earth. In the last decade, microbial richness and diversity has been acknowledged as an important biological resource of this region. Ow
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture datasets
IITA conducts research on the following thematic areas: Biotechnology and genetic improvement, Natural resource management, Social science and agribusiness, and Plant production and plant health.
A database for the molecular weight and isoelectric points of the plant proteomes.
A web-based tool to access and analyse bacterial pesticidal proteins.
A database of the phylogeny and physiology of thermophilic and hyperthermophilic organisms.
Data resource collecting taxonomic composition and related metadata of > 2300 food and food-related samples. Data were produced according to a standardized pipeline and each sample is identified according the FoodEx2 classification (developed by the
database of pSILAC data – information about changes in mRNA levels and protein synthesis following microRNA misexpression in HeLa cells
INTEGRALL is a web-based platform dedicated to compile information on integrons and designed to organize all the data available for these genetic structures. INTEGRALL provides a public genetic repository for sequence data and nomenclature and offers
IND-enzymes is a repository for hydrolytic enzymes derived from thermophilic and psychrophilic bacterial species with potential industrial usage.
DetR DB is a database of ionizing radiation resistance determinants contains a comprehensive catalog of radioresistant microbes and their molecular and genetic determinants of enhanced ionizing radiation tolerance. The database provides search tools
Screening Unit Berlin-Buch
The mission of the platform is to enable access for academic projects towards experiments in high-throughput without loss of IP and on a cost basis, which does not restrict access towards HTS usage. The FMP hosts the central open access technology pl
Ecological Archives
>>>!!!<<< Ecological Archives through the end of 2015 will be hosted on FigShare once the transition to publishing with Wiley is completed. Thereafter, supplemental material may be hosted on Wiley Online, and/or data deposited with FigShare, Dryad,
Deutsches BioBanken-Register
<<<!!!<<< This product is in the archive and is no longer current. >>>!!!>>>
Biobanks are a key prerequisite for modern medical research. By linking samples and clinical data they make it possible to clarify the causes and the course of diseases. Th
Portal de Datos Genómicos del SNDG
The Portal of Genomic Data is an initiative of the National System of Genomic Data (SNDG) of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of Argentina whose purpose is to visualize, share, disseminate and return to society the primar
Complete Genomics
Complete Genomics provides free public access to a variety of whole human genome data sets generated from Complete Genomics’ sequencing service. The research community can explore and familiarize themselves with the quality of these data sets, review
International Food Policy Research Institute Dataverse
The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) seeks sustainable solutions for ending hunger and poverty. In collaboration with institutions throughout the world, IFPRI is often involved in the collection of primary data and the compilatio
*ReputationScore indicates how established a given datasource is. Find out more.