Ecological Archives

Other names: esa's ecological archives

>>>!!!<<< Ecological Archives through the end of 2015 will be hosted on FigShare once the transition to publishing with Wiley is completed. Thereafter, supplemental material may be hosted on Wiley Online, and/or data deposited with FigShare, Dryad, and other repositories. >>>!!!<<< Ecological Archives publishes materials that are supplemental to articles that appear in the ESA journals (Ecology, Ecological Applications, Ecological Monographs, Ecosphere, Ecosystem Health and Sustainability and Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America), as well as peer-reviewed data papers with abstracts published in the printed journals. Three kinds of publications appear in Ecological Archives: appendices, supplements, and data papers.


Name: CC


biotechnology ecological restoration ecosystem management global climate change habitat alteration and destruction natural resource management ozone depletion species extinction sustainable ecological systems

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