The net file format is used to describe the axtNet data that underlie the net alignment annotations in the Genome Browser.
dna genome sequence alignment
Axt Alignment files are produced from Blastz, an alignment tool available from Webb Miller's lab at Penn State University. The axtNet and axtChain alignments are produced by processing the alignment f ...
BLAT is a multiple algorithms developed for the analysis and comparison of biological sequences such as DNA, RNA and proteins.
The chain format describes a pairwise alignment that allow gaps in both sequences simultaneously. Each set of chain alignments starts with a header line, contains one or more alignment data lines, and ...
The bigMaf format stores multiple alignments in a format compatible with MAF files, which is then compressed and indexed as a bigBed. The bigMaf files are created using the program bedToBigBed, run wi ...
Gene Prediction File Format (genePred) is a table format commonly used for gene prediction tracks in the Genome Browser. Variations of genePred include standard format, extended format and a format wh ...
The Multiple Alignment Format stores DNA level multiple alignments in an easily readable format between entire genomes. Unlike previous formats this resource can cope with forward and reverse strand d ...
Genome assemblies and aligned annotations for a wide range of vertebrates and model organisms, along with an integrated tool set for visualizing, comparing, analyzing and sharing both publicly availab ...
The bigWig format is for display of dense, continuous data that will be displayed in the Genome Browser as a graph. The bigWig files are in an indexed binary format. The main advantage of this format ...
BAM is the compressed binary version of the Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) format, a compact and indexable representation of nucleotide sequence alignments. Many next-generation sequencing and analysis ...
This format is for displaying SNPs from personal genomes. It is the same as is used for the Genome Variants and Population Variants tracks.
CLUSTAL-W Alignment Format is a simple text-based format, often with a *.aln file extension, used for the input and output of DNA or protein sequences into the Clustal suite of multiple alignment prog ...
The "Stockholm" format is a system for marking up features in a multiple alignment. These mark-up annotations are preceded by a 'magic' label, of which there are four types. The Stockholm format is us ...
The wiggle (WIG) format is an older format for display of dense, continuous data such as GC percent, probability scores, and transcriptome data. The bigWig format is the recommended format for almost ...
The ENCODE peak information Format is used to provide called regions of signal enrichment based on pooled, normalized (interpreted) data.
The Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) format is a TAB-delimited text format consisting of a header section, which is optional, and an alignment section.
The bigChain format describes a pairwise alignment that allow gaps in both sequences simultaneously, just as chain files do; however, bigChain files are compressed and indexed as bigBeds. Chain files ...
The bedGraph format allows display of continuous-valued data in track format. This display type is useful for probability scores and transcriptome data. This track type is similar to the wiggle (WIG) ...
ENA Sequence Flat File Format is a standardised plain text format for nucleotide sequences. This format was previously called the EMBL Sequence Flat File Format.
The .nib format pre-dates the .2bit format and is less compact. It describes a DNA sequence by packing two bases into each byte.
The bigPsl format stores alignments between two sequences just as PSL files do; however, bigPsl files are compressed and indexed as bigBeds. PSL files are converted to bigPsl files using the program b ...