Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds
structure small molecule
A comprehensive database of toxic compounds
Database of flavors and scents
Structure-based interface library for macromolecules
Natural compounds and their suppliers
A database for the computation of atomic packing density values of protein structures
A database on the structural synaptome
Dictionary of binding sites in proteins
Biotransformation of xenobioitics - drugs and food ingredients - by human enzymes
Protein-protein and drug-protein interactions for studies of drug repositioning
Comprehensive database of fragments linking metabolites, toxic molecules and drugs
SDBS is an integrated spectral database system for organic compounds, which includes 6 different types of spectra under a directory of the compounds. The six spectra are as follows, an electron impact ...
Drug-related information: medical indications, adverse drug effects, drug metabolism and Gene Ontology terms of the target proteins.
RESP and ESP atomic charges and force field libraries for small molecules and molecular fragments
Natural and artificial sweetening agents
The Crystallography Open Database (COD) is a project that aims to gather all available inorganic, metal-organic and small organic molecule structural data in one database.
A comprehensive database for target genes of gut microbes and microbial metabolites.
Cancer-relevant proteins and compound interactions
The Organic Chemistry Portal offers an overview of recent topics, interesting reactions, and information on important chemicals for organic chemists. Searchable index of citations, chemical synthesis ...
Packing of RNA molecules and complexes