Signal recognition particle (SRP) is an ribonucleoprotein particle designed to recognize secretory signal sequences as they emerge from the ribosome. SRP associates with the SRP-receptor in the ER membrane, is released from the ribosome, and recycled (for review, see [1, 2]). To assist the understanding of the molecular details of this essential cellular function, the SRP database (SRPDB) provides sequences of SRP RNAs, SRP proteins, and the SRP receptor ordered alphabetically and phylogenetically with links to the primary sources, as well as a manually-checked alignments. The SRP RNA alignment serves to derive supported secondary structures and helps to evaluate potential tertiary interactions. SRPDB is maintained at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler, Texas, accessible on the World Wide Web at the URL and at the European mirror at the University of Goteborg, Sweden ( A web interface is available where a nucleotide sequence can be submitted to predict SRP RNA genes.
rna sequence protein sequence protein family