Heterogenous data on unstudied and understudied drug targets
molecular biology drug
Vaccine Investigation and Online Information Network
Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System
Natural compounds and their suppliers
Mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance
Biotransformation of xenobioitics - drugs and food ingredients - by human enzymes
Naturally occuring Plant based Anticancerous Compound Targets
Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer: Sensitivity for anti-cancer drugs in various cell lines
Essential Host Factors for Pathogenic Infection
Biologically relevant ligand-protein interactions
Potential drug-binding sites in protein structures from the PDB
A database for facilitating the search for drug adverse reaction target. It contains information about known drug adverse rection targets, functions and properties. Associated references are also incl ...
Drug Target Ontology (DTO) is developed as a reference for drug targets with the longer-term goal to create a community standard that will facilitate the integration of diverse drug discovery informat ...
TCRD is the central resource behind the Illuminating the Druggable Genome Knowledge Management Center (IDG-KMC). TCRD contains information about human targets, with special emphasis on four families o ...
A resource for computational drug design and discovery
Protein-protein and drug-protein interactions for studies of drug repositioning
G-quadruplex Ligands Database
DrugCentral is online drug information that provides information on active ingredients, chemical entities, pharmaceutical products, drug mode of action, indications, and pharmacologic mode of action. ...