Tag: structure-based sequence alignment

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Information system for G protein-coupled receptors

The GPCRDB is a molecular-class information system that collects, combines, validates and stores large amounts of heterogenous data on G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). The GPCRDB contains data on sequences, ligand binding constants and mutations. ...


PASS2 contains alignments of structural motifs of protein superfamilies. PASS2 is an automatic version of the original superfamily alignment database, CAMPASS (CAMbridge database of Protein Alignments organised as Structural Superfamilies). PASS2 con ...

Kinase-Ligand Interaction Fingerprints and Structures database

Kinase-Ligand Interaction Fingerprints and Structures database (KLIFS) is a database that revolves around the protein structure of catalytic kinase domains and the way kinase inhibitors can interact with them. Based on the underlying systematic and c ...

Major Intrinsic Proteins Modification Database

This is a database of comparative protein structure models of the MIP (Major Intrinsic Protein) family of proteins. The MIPs have been identified from the completed genome sequence of organisms available at NCBI.

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