Tag: respiratory

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Leicester Respiratory Research Database

An ethically approved database of patients consenting to contact for recruitment and/or use of their data for research purposes held by Leicester Biomedical Research Centre - Respiratory Leicester Biomedical Research Centre - Respiratory (LBRC) holds ...

4 Country ChrOnic Respiratory Disease study: PILOT PHASE, Islamabad

We collected clinical data of two groups of patients. We initially recruited 100 participants and then collected further data of a subset of 43 of these participants. Details are given in the description.

Vitamin D supplementation meta-analyses

Vitamin D supplementation to prevent asthma exacerbations, COPD exacerbations and respiratory tract infections is a meta-analyses database of trials testing vitamin D supplementation. Vitamin D supplementation to prevent asthma exacerbations, COPD ex ...


Follow-COVID is a study of over 100 patients across multiple regions within Scotland over the course of 6 years. The study seeks to identify the long term consequences and future care needs of COVID-19 survivors.

UHB 100K Genomics patient clinical data including their acute care contacts

Longitudinal, routine data for UHB NHSFT patients recruited to the 100K Genomes project that accessed Acute Care at UHB: This includes data for cancer and rare diseases in adults and children, with investigations undertaken and outcomes.

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