Tag: inspiratory pressure

Found 3 sources
Source Match ReputationScore*

Ventilatory strategies, medications and outcomes for patients with COVID

Deeply phenotyped data on COVID-19 hospital patients with multi-morbidities requiring/at risk of requiring ventilatory support: This includes investigations, with serial biomarkers, ITU spells, interventions undertaken and outcomes.

Ventilatory strategies and outcomes for patients with COVID: a dataset in OMOP

Hospital patients admitted during the COVID pandemic requiring/at risk of requiring ventilatory support. Granular condition, multi-morbidity, interventions and treatments. Serial physiology, blood biomarkers, ITU spells, outcome. Deeply phenotyped ...

Ventilation strategies for patients on intensive care

Mechanical and non-invasive ventilation, tracheostomy. Ventilator settings, tidal volumes and pressures. ECMO, inotropes, other organ support, medications, investigations and serial physiology. The preceding care journey and outcomes Ventilatory stra ...

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