Tag: edinburgh

Found 3 sources
Source Match ReputationScore*

Generation Scotland

Collection of samples and data across the following diseases: Fit and well A collaboration between the Universities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee and Aberdeen, and NHS Scotland, to provide resources for genetic and medical research.

Generation Scotland: Scottish Family Health Study

A biobank of data and samples for medical research. GS:SFHS is an intensively phenotyped, family-based cohort for the study of the genetic basis of common complex diseases and response to treatments, with consent to record linkage and recontact.

DataLoch Core

DataLoch brings together routine data collected as part of people’s interactions with health care services in South-East Scotland. These data include details of visits to hospitals or GPs, treatments, medicines prescribed, outcomes and test results.

*ReputationScore indicates how established a given datasource is. Find out more.

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