Tag: blood biomarkers

Found 3 sources
Source Match ReputationScore*

A dataset of hospitalised patients with Sarcoma

Cancer diagnoses before and after hospitalisation. This dataset includes 907 patients from 2004 to present, including granular ethnicity, multi morbidity, serial physiology, blood biomarkers, intervention and outcome data.

Assessing acuity scores – NEWS2 in acute illnesses with component markers

Hospital patient acuity scores from 2018 onwards. Granular condition, ethnicity, multi-morbidity. Deeply phenotyped. Serial physiology, blood biomarkers, interventions, longitudinal, pre/post admission healthcare use.

Deeply phenotyped sepsis patients within hospital: onset, treatments & outcomes

Hospitalised sepsis patients (2000-2020) by cause. Deeply phenotyped, longitudinal. Granular ethnicity and multi-morbidity. Serial acuity, physiology, blood parameters, treatments, interventions, ITU spells, outcomes, pre and post sepsis healthcare ...

*ReputationScore indicates how established a given datasource is. Find out more.

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