Tag: births

Found 5 sources
Source Match ReputationScore*

Scottish Birth Record (SBR)

The Scottish Birth Record (SBR) records baby's neonatal care in Scotland, including readmissions and transfers in one electronic record. SBR is completed for all births in Scotland including stillbirths and home births.

Walker Study Data

Cohort of over 48,000 birth records (pregnancy, labour, birth and care) in Dundee. Between 1952-1966. Contains information on the birthing events such as birth weight, date, feeding, and socio economic variables such as parent occupation.

Northern Ireland Regional Maternity system (NIMATS)

The Northern Ireland Maternity system (NIMATs) contains a range of demographic and clinical information on mothers and infants.

MSDS (Maternity Services Data Set)

Patient-level data set that captures information about activity carried out by Maternity Services relating to mother and baby(s), from the first booking appointment until mother and baby(s) are discharged from the services. The Maternity Services Dat ...


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*ReputationScore indicates how established a given datasource is. Find out more.

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