Tag: atomic coordinate

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The Cambridge Structural Database

Established in 1965, the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) is the a repository for small-molecule organic and metal-organic crystal 3D structures. Database records are automatically checked and manually curated by one of our expert in-house scienti ...

Protein Data Bank Format

An exchange format for reporting experimentally determined three-dimensional structures of biological macromolecules that serves a global community of researchers, educators, and students. The data contained in the archive include atomic coordinates, ...

CAPS-DB : a structural classification of helix-capping motifs

CAPS-DB is a structural classification of helix-cappings or caps compiled from protein structures. Caps extracted from protein structures have been structurally classified based on geometry and conformation and organized in a tree-like hierarchical c ...

MINAS - A Database of Metal Ions in Nucleic AcidS

MINAS contains the exact geometric information on the first and second-shell coordinating ligands of every metal ion present in nucleic acid structures that are deposited in the PDB and NDB. Containing also the sequence information of the binding poc ...

CHARMM Card File Format

CHARMM (Chemistry at HARvard Macromolecular Mechanics) is a computational package used for classical, quantum and hybrid quantum/classical simulations. The CHARMM Card File Format (.CRD) stores the standard Cartesian coordinates of the atoms in the s ...

mini Protein Data Bank Format

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