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H-Invitational Database
H-Invitational Database (H-InvDB) is an integrated database of human genes and transcripts. By extensive analyses of all human transcripts, we provide curated annotations of human genes and transcripts that include gene structures, alternative splici
Termini-Oriented Protein Function INferred Database
The Termini-Oriented Protein Function INferred Database (TopFIND) is an integrated knowledgebase focused on protein termini, their formation by proteases and functional implications. It contains information about the processing and the processing sta
Domain Interaction Graph Guided ExploreR
DIGGER is an essential resource for studying the mechanistic consequences of alternative splicing such as isoform-specific interaction and consequence of exon skipping. The database integrates information of domain-domain and protein-protein interact
The database provides a means of investigating alternative splicing and can be used for identifying alternative splicing - related motifs, such as the exonic splicing enhancer (ESE), the exonic splicing silencer (ESS) and other intronic splicing moti
Human Reference Protein Interactome Mapping Project
The Human Reference Protein Interactome Mapping Project (HuRI) is a repository, created by the Center for Cancer Systems Biology (CCSB) at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, which stores the data from the ongoing work on the first complete reference map o
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