Other names: dbcns
dbCNS is a database for conserved noncoding sequences.
model organisms dna polymorphism mapping phylogenetics pathology
Heritability data for various species with trait-associated genomic loci
An annotated collection of all publicly available nucleotide and protein sequences. DDBJ collects sequence data mainly from Japanese researchers, as well as researchers in other countries. DDBJ is par ...
The Oryzabase is a comprehensive rice science database established in 2000 by rice researcher's committee in Japan. The Oryzabase consists of five parts, (1) genetic resource stock information, (2) ge ...
Comprehensive database on E. coli genome
Public repository for gene expression experimental data. The database system is compliant with the MIAME standard.
Although large-scale genome projects generate an unprecedented number of protein sequences, most of them are experimentally uncharacterized. Prediction of the 3D structures of the proteins encoded by ...
Conserved Unique Peptide Patterns (CUPP) is a approach for sequence analysis employing conserved peptide patterns for determination of similarities between proteins. CUPP performs unsupervised cluster ...
TarDB is a database for conserved miRNA targets, degradome supported miRNA targets and miRNA-triggered phasiRNAs in plants. TarDB is a plant miRNA target repository, which is based on cross-species co ...
Genomic Expression Archive (GEA) is a public database of functional genomics data such as gene expression, epigenetics and genotyping SNP array. Both microarray- and sequence-based data are accepted i ...
The Kohara lab has been constructing an expression pattern map of the 100Mb genome of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans through EST analysis and systematic whole mount in situ hybridization. NEXTDB ...
3DSNP is a database for comprehensively annotating the regulatory function of human noncoding SNPs by exploring their 3D interactions with genes and genetically associated SNPs mediated by chromatin l ...
The BioSample database was developed to serve as a central location in which to capture and store descriptive information about the biological source materials, or samples, used to generate experiment ...
DNA repair pathways of human, yeast and E.coli
PmiREN is a comprehensive encyclopedia of plant miRNAs.
Database of genetic variations associated with long noncoding genes.
The DDBJ BioProject resource organizes both the projects and the data from those projects which is deposited into several archival databases maintained by members of the INSDC. This allows searching b ...
The Japanese Genotype-phenotype Archive (JGA) is a service for permanent archiving and sharing of all types of individual-level genetic and de-identified phenotypic data resulting from biomedical rese ...
DDBJ Trace Archive (DTA) is a permanent repository of DNA sequence chromatograms (traces), base calls, and quality estimates for single-pass reads from various large-scale sequencing projects. DTA is ...
DupScan is a database for visualizing and predicting vertebrate synteny and genome duplication.
With the completion of the rice genome sequencing, a standardized annotation is necessary so that the information from the genome sequence can be fully utilized in understanding the biology of rice an ...