Other names: UMMS
This is an in-progress ontology for the numerous use cases of UMMS Enterprise Data & Analytics dept
Essential Features and Use Cases of the Cerebrospinal Fluid Proteome Resource (CSF-PR) | Every year, a large number of published studies present biomarkers for various neurological disorders. Many of ...
An application ontology for the domain of Sleep Medicine.
This is an ontology of digital health technologies (DHTs) with a specific focus on DHT use in clinical trials. It was created as part of a collaborative project between Prism.Bio and Janssen Clinical ...
The goal of DDI project is to develop an ontology for the description of drug discovery investigations. The Pharmaceutical industry is an information based industry. The aim of DDI is to add value to ...
TyPon provides a comprehensive description of the existing microbial typing methods for the identification of bacterial Isolates and their classification. Such a description constitutes an universal f ...
Cell Culture Ontology (CCONT) is an ontology for the formal representation of cell lines and their corresponding culture conditions.
This is an ontology to support (one) health surveillance, focused on "surveillance system level data", that is, data outputs from surveillance activities, such as number of samples collected, cases ob ...
The ribosomal RNA operon copy number database is a publicly available, curated resource for ribosomal operon (rrn) copy number information for Bacteria and Archaea.
RVO, Research Variable Ontology, proposes a schema that can be use to record empirical data analytics research and can be use as a knowledge-base to support knowledge exploration phase of a new analyt ...
An ontology for the units of measurement developed during the development of the Sleep Domain Ontology (SDO). It supports the use of SDO within the PhysioMIMI application. No official homepage for thi ...
The ontology for Biobanking (OBIB) is an ontology built for annotation and modeling of biobank repository and biobanking administration. It is developed based on subset of Ontology for Biomedical Inve ...
(Work in progress - please contact ahso@datadrivensurveillance.org before using this ontology) This is an ontology for health surveillance, assuming that surveillance data is recorded at three main ...
The AISM contains terms used in insect biodiversity research for describing structures of the exoskeleton and the skeletomuscular system. It aims to serve as the basic backbone of generalized terms to ...
This is an Ethiopian Out Patient Department register vocabulary
This is an ontology of a transitional care nurse's process domain
DataONE ontology of Carbon Flux measurements for MsTMIP and LTER Use Cases
This is an OPD Registry Form in Ethiopia.
This is an ontology with SWRL rules of nutrition for diabetic patient. We can import the value of Blood Sugar and Weight by .xls and use that like instance for generate the rules with rule engine Jess ...
Ontology For Nutritional Studies (ONS) has been developed as part of the ENPADASI European project (http://www.enpadasi.eu/) with the aim to define a common language and building ontologies for nutrit ...
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