Community Cyberinfrastructure for Advanced Microbial Ecology Research and Analysis of metagenomic data
genomics general genomics
Complete Genome Tracking database
Sequences and classification of predicted membrane transporters encoded in complete genomes
Genomic distribution of protein structural superfamilies
Gene indices of human, mouse, zebrafish, Arabidopsis, and Drosophila
EBI's collection of databases for the analysis of complete and unfinished viral, pro- and eukaryotic genomes
Conserved syntenies for various animal, plant and bacterial genomes
NCBI's collection of databases for the analysis of complete and unfinished viral, pro- and eukaryotic genomes
Assembled partial genomes for ~250 eukaryotic organisms
Megx is a database portal for marine ecological genomics. This field of research is defined as: "the application of genomic sciences to understanding the structure and function of marine ecosystems". ...
The Karyotype database (KaryotypeDB) contains karyotype and chromosome information like chromosome number, length, karyotype features, idiograms, physical localizations of DNA sequences by fluorescenc ...
GenoList is an integrated environment for comparative exploration of microbial genomes. The current release integrates genome data for over 700 species (Genome Reviews). The query and navigation user ...
This genomic tRNA database contains tRNA identifications made by the program tRNAscan-SE (Lowe & Eddy, Nucl Acids Res 25: 955-964, 1997) on complete or nearly complete genomes. Unless otherwise noted, ...
Metagenomic catalog of clade-specific microbial genes
Integr8 is a new web portal for exploring the biology of organisms with completely deciphered genomes. For over 190 species, Integr8 provides access to general information, recent publications, and a ...
Community analysis of E. coli and related genomes
A database of eukaryotic sequencing projects
Genome annotation database of Drosophila
Human Pan-Microbial Communities Database
Parasitic nematode sequencing project